Monday, February 07, 2011

Rabbit Year!

Ushering in the Hoppy New Year!!

Having grown up a little more each year, I begin to realise CNY isnt just about collecting ang bows, snacking on the table-ful of goodies and falling asleep in front of the teevee while the parents caught up with the adults over MJ. It is about loving, caring, respecting the elders, giving and catching up with close kins you have never had the chance to meet up (much/at all) during the year.

We took the chance to announce Our Big Day.

It is also a good time to remember the less fortunate - We cleared out 3 big bags of clothes and brought them to The Salvation Army on the eve. We used to just dump them at the void deck and wait for the bulk collection truck from the Town Council.

We saved the table that is older than me from going down to the bulk collection point. It became the focal structure in the balcony, together with some greens Mom and I put together for the festive season. Daisy was fuschia! 

Did up all final CNY shopping. Kaypoh Murphy checked all out.

The new range of charms for the Rabbit Year! 
N got me my crocodile 

Kidnapped Murphy's playmate home before reunion dinner on the eve.

Day 2 of CNY was spent at 2nd aunt's house. New addition to the household!! Mommy displaying her nannying skills. Seeing how the new mummies around me fluster over their babies, find it troublesome to bring their baby out, I think my mom did a terrific job bringing all of us up! I was 5 when she had the 2nd sister. I was 8 and xian was 3 when she had our 3rd sister. And those days, without a car, she SINGLEHANDEDLY brought all three of us out to gaigai when dad was at work!! Getting old makes you emo over such things. bleah.

Alot of such feastsssssss + lou hei awaited us at EVERY house we visited. I visited 7 houses over the past 4 days. Make that 3 days, cos 3rd day was actually spent snoozing from 6AM - 2PM and 6PM - 8PM cos we did an overnight MJ the day before.

Traditional Lou Hei to toss the food high up into the air while saying good blessings at every toss. The higher, the better.
And the louder, the better.......

We were so noisy that we shocked a baby....
('O') What are the adults doing?!?!?!?!

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!! :) 

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