Monday, July 01, 2013

::BABY FOOD:: Salmon Pasta with Asparagus

From 8-11 months, babies should be able to eat mashy food.
We have been giving D mostly pureed food and porridges which are easy to swallow. Even the treats we give him are the melt-in-your-mouth kind which doesn't require much chewing.
Made him some mashy food which required him to work his jaws over the weekend.
The macaroni wasn't soft-cooked enough, so I put them into our blender and it achieved a desired semi-mashed form ie not pureed
Found him doing some gummy chew for the asparagus which was quite cute to watch! Buy me some time for my own dinner while feeding him that night ;p
With the same ingredients, I added cooking cream into our portion.
And made a thin-crust pizza from leftover ingredients we had in fridge!
The new-found trick for a thin crust scored big points in the household! 

 Baby Salmon Pasta with Asparagus
(Prep and cook under 30 minutes)

Steam salmon and asparagus for 15-20 mins. Use only the top part of the asparagus as the surrounding skin is thinner and easier to chew and swallow. Save the bottom 1.5" for the adults.
Boil macaroni for 8 minutes. Blend.

Adult Salmon Pasta with Asparagus
(Prep and cook under 30 minutes)

Blanch asparagus
Boil pasta for 6 minutes
Pan fry seasoned salmon - we used salt and pepper and salted butter instead of oil
Put everything together and stirfry. Add cooking cream and salt pepper to taste.

I like to give D fresh food daily so we don't do bulk cooking, pureeing and freezing unless absolutely necessary. I feed him from the jar occasionally to prep ourselves for travels. With the limited time on hand to handle D and make meals, this is a good quickie to settle a meal for both baby and parents! :D

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