Monday, June 24, 2013

::BABY:: Yoghurt for Babies!

I remember seeing shelves of baby yoghurts in Woolsworth and thought why we didn't have any in Singapore.
But see what I found when I came back!!
I was actually trying to find a high calcium, plain normal yoghurt for D, but spotted this lying amidst the major yoghurt brands! It was just a little tray of about 12 cups and very easy to miss! And I didn't see any plain yoghurt that says they are hi-calcium. So....spent a little bit more on this - anything marked 'baby' usually come at a more premium price -_-"
S$1.55 for a cup
This was his 2nd cup and he still prefers the apple flavoured one!
D's food list at 9 months old:
1. Carrot  2. Broccoli  3. Cauliflower  4. Potato  5. Sweet potato  6. Pumpkin  7. Spinach  8. Chyesim 9. Sweet corn  10. Parsnip
1. Apple  2. Pear  3. Banana  4. Papaya
Meat (Protein)
1. Beef  2. Cod fish  3. Threadfin  4. Salmon  5. Chicken  6. Pork  7. Seabass  8. Toufu
Staple (Carbohydrate)
1. White rice  2. Brown rice  3. Barley grains  4. Bread  5. Chwee Kueh
1. Yoghurt  2. Cheese
Rubbish/Snacks/Food from our table
1. Yoghurt drops  2. Durian  3. Durian cake  4. Cheese soufflé  5. Ice cream
6. Pineapple (Cant give this fruit as it is too acidic. We gave him a bit to taste 'sour')

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