Tuesday, November 06, 2012

::BABY:: The Suckling Talent

Apparently the ability to suckle and hold on to the du du (aka pacifier) is an acquired skill post birth. Because some of the crowd that came to celebrate his 1st month of birth made quite a big deal out of his 'talent' when he appeared at his party like a boss, with a du du in his mouth. LOL!

They claim the talent is acquired from latching.
Here is my baby boy showing off his talent on the 3rd day of his life. *proudmummylook*
Back then, Mummy didn't know this was a talent because I thought all babies develop the suckling instincts in the womb!

And here's how I make use of my son's talent:
Good for stealing a couple of minutes off the 24-7 job to answer nature's calls.

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