Sunday, July 03, 2011

Murphy's paw prints

HI!! It's me, WOOF! Here's me staring very hard at momma's Lychee! I followed the smell from her plastic bag right from the gate to the kitchen! Good food always comes back in plastic bags! I looked soooo cute here, momma couldnt resist and shared her loot with me ;)
I am picky when it comes to food. Here s me, refusing to eat my dinner because nothing s been added to my dog food. >.<" 
I gave mummy the "I am cute. Can I haz more mom mom inside please?" look. Usually it works...
But when it doesnt, I ll just wait and wait.....and wait....usually she will give in....because if not, I will puke my guts out. And she ll have a haaaaaaarrrrrd time cleaning up after me ;p
Here's what she ll cook for me. Mummy gives me a lot of veggies! Because veggies are good for complexion! And they make it easier for me to poot poot. PLUS cures my smelly fishy anus that I get once in a while because my anal glands refuse to secrete enough sebums for my poot poot..

but I like them with a bit of luncheon meat - from BURP! It's a doggle's luncheon meat! Smells EXACTLY like the human's MALING!
Once the meal becomes more edible with all the extra ingredients, I ll follow everywhere the bowl goes!

My real owner is actually FOOD!
OOps! And I ll give a greedy face, like this! Mummy, can I eat NOW???!!
And I can get verrrrrrrrrrrry focused when I eat...nom nom nom nom! Mummy's a real goood kitchen goddess! Dunno why daddy always complains >.<"
When I am not eating, I am either sleeping or playing..

here's me at our new place last weekend, trying to save my frog frog! :( The gor gors and jie jies bully me :(
I am still trying to figure out how to save my frog :(

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