Monday, May 10, 2010

Seoul - Hail the King!! (Palace tour)

Happy Momsie day!

We did a dinner - FULL force! These days, with our individual school and work commitments, family dinners are rarely marked with 100% attendance. It was done much earlier in the day at 530pm cos the sister had to start work at 8pm...But it's the effort that everyone puts in to make a family gathering possible.

We had full attendance, and MORE. Cos every year during such events, I will ask my 5th uncle and aunty along. Cant never show enough appreciation towards the care they shower upon us. The gifts from trips, that extra brassiere bought for us (YES! My aunt buys bras for me and my cuz when she buys for herself! *hoho* Cos we are the same size ;p), the nail polish fetish, bling slippers fetish, providing shelter and homecooked food for me during my tertiary years, making breakfast, providing yummers supper....Although a bit lor sor... you know she loves u :):) Heh!

So some Momsie loves. Nonya food! :)

And my all time favorite of the lot!!! *slurpz**droolz**intent stare at it like Murphy baby boy, waiting for picture to magically transform into real food*

We did a dessert (no pics) after that when the bf's gone to fetch his momsie and sent my sis to work.

Day Four - Gyeongbokgung, Insadong, Myeongdong, Lotte Departmental Store
We met one of the queerest of queer couple during our last dive trip. KFC connoisseurs! They go taste KFC all over Singapore and all over the world!! We decided to do the same ;p

KFC for.................BREAKFAST! omgwhatdidwedotoourselves?! Food to waist, my dear!
But you check out that BRIGHT PINK zinger wrap that matches my nails and coat! Perfect!

We got tics to the Gyeongbokgung Palace. N's resident friend over there told us there was a procession going on in the morning at 1120am....

So we reached in time! And witnessed the grand-est Palace guards procession in tribute to the King!!!

Seriously, no....that was just a poster. We were late for the procession ;p

Only managed some pics with the few Palace guards standing right outside the front gate...they didnt even bat an eyelid with everyone swarming over them to grab a pic...

Some palace shots..

The insides of some of the "DIANS' (something like rooms). Simplicity is key in Korean's lifestyle. Evident from even the past majestic living conditions.

Saw 2 cut lil girls inside..Kids are cute! But not fun having one! We did N's momsie day in the comfort of a home on took 3 adults to put the baby to sleep...and...we decided Murphy is the most wonderful baby! He goes to bed by himself ever since young... ;p;p;p
There were alot of such buildings within the Palace. All with a different purpose. Study room, prayer room, guest hosting room, dining room etc etc....we didnt opt for the guided tours, so no full details...
It got boring after a while.......
So N took a piss into the drainage...
No, really.. you know how the doctors always mistake the finger for the penis during the ultrasound scan?? ;p whahaha!
Look at how gorgeous these tiny things on the rooftops are?!!
We continued walking and saw this beautiful scenic within an out of bounds area....look at the lake, the trees and the mountains all within one shot...
And the rare wildlife....
We found some cherry blossoms at the backyard garden...season's over, but u can still manage to catch sight of some blossoms....I said some
cos it really isnt that fantastic....N was eyeing the almost-bare tree suspiciously.... :)
But sometimes, it is not the camera that matters. Neither is it the background that matters. It is the artistic ability to capture THE MOMENT.
Presenting to you....
N we found a dense bloomed vegetation...
No, really. It was just this tiny patch on the grass... ;p
My good eye for backdrops and his good hand in photography. We coexist complimentarily. ;) N is what I am not, he has what I do not.
We curbed that caffeine and icecream itch at a cafe within the Palace premises before heading out to take a walk.
Insadong street was just somewhere near and is one of the tourism site's recommended streets you have to walk down in... See for yourself..
Then my battery went dead and the remaining memories are captured in N's Olympus. Havent got it from him cos he's jetting off again this week....coming back only when I m about to fly... :(
So till then, no more pics for the fourth day..
Another day, another cafe. There was the famous Korean Starbucks down the street (Starbucks written in Korean fonts!!).

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