Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I always thought a church wedding is the loveliest and sweetest way to to get married.

It was a touching scene while the groom sang (in public eyes for the 1st time) as his bride walked in. It was even more touching as he sang his pledge to their love while staring her in the eye. I tried to hold back those tears of joy.

And then they said the oath. Somehow, something pricked me from within. I dunno what. Probably, like what they say, God touches your heart and that somewhat shows as an emotion. Or it could be just, me. Teary, emotional me.

Then they had to have a speech to thank everybody. And that is usually some touchy speech. Thanking the wonderful parents for the great parenthood..the parents-in-law for the greater parenthood in bringing up the other half..the promises to continue letting the son or daughter be well taken care of...

All these just touches my heart. I cannot imagine myself giving such a speech without a single drop of tear.

At the end of the wedding, I turned to N and said, "Can we dun ever have a church wedding???"

I think I d cry by just walking down that lovely aisle. And be a teary bride. ^_^

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