Thursday, September 10, 2009

Aching a bit

Had a pretty good workout this week :)

The mind worked well to trick the legs into running back to starting point. I usually engage in a mental struggle after the turning point - to run back or to stop and walk back. I love to see the landmarks in its progressive sequence. The canal, jetty, playground, BBQ pits, yellow guardhouse and the first split of road. It creates a psychological feeling of progression and makes the run more enjoyable.

The run backwards is a total different story. I almost always had to push me legs to run that bit more and that is when lampposts become landmarks cos they are 20 X steps easier to achieve :)

The mind is just a stubborn mass. No amount of good food or great shopping can ever trick me into running back. I just had to constantly push myself to run that few lamppost more.

Decided to do another round yesterday while N went play bad. with some anonymous strangers. It's strange how people with a common interest meet...With my sub-standard skills at the court, I usually do not play with strangers. So I decided to accompany N yesterday, but went to the gym at the same SC instead.

Engaged myself in another mental struggle to finish the run 5 minutes later cos I was feeling giddy from the blurred vision that all the night lights were giving as I stomped on the spot. I tried very hard to just focus on tt lamppost across the road, taking short breaks intermittently to look at the run time.

T'was a good workout.

Run: 20 min
Pulley: 5 min
Stride: 20 min
Cock Whacking: 10 min

Now we just have to keep it up!

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