Tuesday, July 09, 2013

::BABY MILESTONES:: At 10 months

D's development this month had been nothing short of amazing!

1. Sit up from a rest position
He started doing this occasionally a few weeks ago and must have mastered it perfectly while staying at the gramps place for a week (while we nursed and quarantined a case of adult HFMD at home). I had no idea when I collected back my baby until it was bedtime and I had a hard time pinning him down to sleep. The whole of last week, he slept at 10pm instead of the usual 830pm because bedtime routine now involves some sort of wrestling to pin the sleepy baby down. Repeatedly. Or until he's drained from all the struggling, flipping and sitting, which usually takes forever.
2. Pull up to standing position from sitting/stand holding to someone or something
This month, he started doing this more confidently. And he looks like he's going to start cruising soon! Uh oh! I smell trouble!
Which brings us back to the new bedtime routine mentioned in point #1.
"Hello Mummy! *waves bear bear* You thought I was sleeping??"
3. Clap hands
We found him clapping his hands spontaneously last week while he was in an extremely happy mood one evening. It's not on cue yet though. He only does it when he feels like it.

4. Stand momentarily
He loves it when he is able to do that. And gives us a proud toothy grin whenever we start praising him for that few seconds of 'performance'!

5. Babbling
His dictionary consists of only dadada, mamama and dehdeh at the moment and it is not directed at us. Sometimes we thought we caught him repeating certain word after us, like 'flower' but it happened so fast and only once, we can't be too sure.

6. Crawling
He still crawls with the backside, but we saw him once or twice doing the doggie crawl!

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