Thursday, February 14, 2013


Prelude - Weight issues
Baby Daymian has always been on the high percentile in weight amongst his statistical peers. Right from Day 1, when mummy grew 0 pounds till 20th week of gestation, he continued to eat well and pile on the weight in my womb. Even in the weeks that I lost several hundred grams thereafter, he also continued to grow. Apparently a verrrry good leecher who takes very good care of his own growth. We only had one problem with his healthy growth - that he will grow too big for natural birth!

In our 38th week scan, the fella grew to an enormous 3.3kg, just 200 grams away from the gynae's acceptable weight range for mummy to have a natural birth. And he was growing at an average of 200gm per week. With 2 more weeks to go till full term, and having friends who experienced a growth spurt of 500-600g within a week, there was no way we could birth naturally if we do the math.

We either play the waiting game with him and risk getting a longer epi down below or risk undergoing a csect, or we induce him out before he hits the weight limit. Our gynae gave us the option of inducing him in the following week (if we want to).

It was a tough decision for me to make because I had wanted everything to be as natural as possible and to induce him before he decides to make his way out himself seemed to go against nature. Furthermore, either decision we make has a 50% possibility of ending up with a csect. Granted, I still wanted to experience my water bag bursting or my mucus plug dropping. That night, after drawing an inconclusive decision, we went to bed with me silently hoping for labour to happen.

19 Sep 2012
The following morning, we went back to work as usual. But my acceptance of induction had grown overnight after speaking to several people. We called in to our gynae to have a more detailed discussion but were unable to reach her as she was in the OT the whole morning. Who knows I got a call from N after lunch telling me he managed to secure a 3pm slot for us at the clinic. I knew it was a going to be a there and then thing. We were not just going to the clinic to listen to the birth options. Knowing us, it was birth time!

So I informed the office that I was going to birth.

Dr Chua inserted a pill and monitored fetal heartbeat + contractions for half hour.

In the monitoring room:

I was actually quite afraid of what was about to come and got teary.

Heartbeat and contractions looked healthy. We were ok to go. Dr Chua says she will see us in Mt A that night. In all cases of induced birth we have seen so far, all took at least 17 hours before birthing. So we happily planned to shop around in Orchard, have a good 'last' meal, go home for my last long bath and then head to the hospital and watch our HK drama while waiting. We told Dr Chua our Grand Plan.

We reached The Cathay to run some errands and had plans to go to our favorite steamboat place in the next building. But by this time, I started to feel the contractions. The first things that came to mind were vulgarities. The pain was that terrible. And nothing could describe the pain. It was just so indescribably excruciating. So painful that I couldnt even talk. So husbands, my doc's quite accurate about one thing - if your wife pain until cannot talk, then it IS contractions. Any other kind of funny pain she gets while pregnant isnt contraction pain unless she pain until cannot talk.

The contractions were already coming in at 2 minute intervals and lasted for 1 minute each. I told N we had no time to drive to another dinner place. Since Billy Bombers was just nearby, we decided to settle dinner there. I was wincing in so much pain I wasn't even enjoying my food. So I hurried N to quickly finish up his portion so we could leave for home to take a shower.

While on the way back home, I could no longer bear with the pain. So I told N to drive us to the hospital instead. To take that 10 minutes shower in the comfort of home would mean bearing another 5 contractions! Not to mention those that I need to bear on the journey back home and to the hospital.

Finally reached the hospital! I was in such foul mood from the contractions and was ready to snap at anyone who blocked my path. The valet appeared to be very experienced. He immediately recognised that and rolled out a wheelchair. We arrived at the delivery wards and I was told to 'take a seat'. I thought it was ridiculous since I was already seated. Well, a woman in pain is an angry woman!

After seating through a maybe 2 rounds of contractions, which felt like an eternity, I asked the nurse if there was a delivery suite for me. I wanted epidural immediately! She then told me she was stuck because she was left with the last delivery suite and there was a lady who walked in before me....but priority of course goes to the one in pain! And she went on to make arrangement for me to be wheeled into the suite. The only other person in sight whom I presumed was the lady before me was seated calmly on the sofa and playing with her iPhone. She didnt look like she was in labor.

I asked to take a shower. The nurse checked my dilation and it was only a 2cm. I was then given enema to clear the bowels. I must say I didnt quite enjoy myself in the bathroom both times at all cos I was grimacing and grabbing around in pain with each contraction. It was hard to stay seated on the toilet seat.

Meanwhile, we repeatedly asked for the anesthetist until one eventually came at 730pm.

I thought I saw God.

I curled up like a shrimp for that short window period in between contractions and we managed to get the epidural in. And no, it wasnt painful at all. This anesthetist is a keeper!

And then he asked me to wriggle my toe. So throughout the night I kept wriggling my toes just to make sure.

N headed home to take his shower after I got settled. Somewhere in between, he headed out for a bachormee and bumped into someone whose wife was also in labor in another hospital. What a coincidence!

I was lying around with nothing much to do - had no mood to watch the HK drama that we prepared and also couldnt move around with all the needles and tubes all over me. So I tried to rest as much as I can because I need that energy to do alot of pushing later. Took many short but disturbed naps as people shuffled in and out of the room to check on me.

The side effects of the epi made me shiver uncontrollably. Somewhere in between, I puked my dinner out.

Dr Chua came at around 9pm to assess the progress and said she ll see me later.

We heard chants of "PUSHHHHHHH!" and babies crying from the other delivery suites and got pretty excited about our turn.

0100 - 0200
The last but the best nap! I was so relaxed and no longer shivering that I napped so well! I remember groggily waking up to the nurse telling me that I was 10 cm dilated!! The fetal monitor must have shown something on their computer because I didnt feel anyone stuffing their hands in to check on the dilation.  SO, it was BIRTH TIME!

People shuffled in and out to prepare for delivery. My bed was transformed into a birthing seat and one of the nurses made me do 3 trial pushes. I was afraid I would accidentally push D out before Dr Chua arrive, so I didnt use all my strength. But I did enough for her to see D's head. ;p

Dr Chua finally arrived.

Everyone got into position, including N, and prepared for delivery. I had 2 nurses on each side of my belly and Dr Chua right in front of me. N's job was to stand beside me to play a 'supportive role'. He was supposed to guide me through the breathing techniques and to hold on to my hand, and also to serve as a biting cum clawing thing in case things got too bad. But well, there really isnt any need for that kind of 'supportive role'. Most of the time, my hands were busy holding on to my thighs for the additional support and my all facial features scrunched up while pushing. And I definitely didnt need somebody to tell me how to breathe when I am actually breathless after each push!

I guess my many many prayers for a smooth delivery was answered. Seeing that I didnt quite need his support, N left to take pictures of the birth.

It took 3 pushes with external help from the nurses to get D out. It wasnt painful at all. I didnt even feel him passing through the cervix. The only pain I felt and screamed at was when one of the nurses pressed too hard on my belly while trying to prevent D from retracting back into the uterus. All I know was I was about to give up when I heard a shrilling wail from D!

And then, he was placed in my arms. All bloody and gooey but yet so warm and cuddly and cute. :)

Baby D returned to us after a shower!

I remembered an ex neighbour who told they decided to stop at 1 because of the pain and trauma the wife experienced during childbirth. So I always had negative thoughts about birthing. Now that I have been there and done that and experience for myself what it is really like, I am glad to announce that we are most welcomed to having another of such experience again! :) It really isnt so traumatic at all! :)

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