Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fried Tung Hoon

Cooking should be an interest, an impromptu decision to put together some ingredients when you feel like it, a sudden urge to display your masak masak cooking skills honed from playhood. It should never be a daily chore.

And hence, it will be made with LOVE. And creativity.

Because I had the last packet of Japanese starch noodle in the house from the last Sukiyaki gathering...and it looked like it could be used to make chinese fried tung hoon.

And I was hungry....
Do up an evil concoction
 The masak masak frying skills began..
 Serve with egg strips over top!

 Who said cooking was difficult?
It is not when it is done leisurely! :)

N should be secretly congratulating himself now for having sucha lazy wife-to-be cos he wouldnt have to be my guinea pig everyday! And I should also be the happiest woman who will only have to cook when I feel like it! Oh! what a match! :)

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