Friday, January 11, 2008

You are seeing this because I AM SOOOOO bloooooody MAD, as i sit typing and working FURIOUSLY, at this bloody stupid assistant to whom i associate nasi briyani with, who yet again performed ridiculously BEEEELOOOOOW average.

And I cant help but associate the word STUUUUUUPID to this nasi briyani assistant and dee dar has thus tried to stop me from makaning the white round thing tt i normally add curry and sugar on this morning.

I show u a timeline of how my conclusion of her stupidity evolved...

LAST year when she was at her 1st yr, and me 2nd, she performed super duperly under expectations. I had to kio her sai on top of my own sai. But since it was her 1st yr, nvm...i forgive and forget. Although she almost KILLED my then-senior

This year, since i am such a magnanimous being, I decided to book her back to work for me... BUT i was WRONG. reality hit me the HARD way (which is y i am soooooo f****ing busy now). Now i conclude, Ms associated with Nasi Briyani is baorn n bred idiot.

She performed as STOOOPIDLY as she had when she was a yr one. I think she has peas in her brains. cos normally ppl DO GROW up and learn the traits of WORKING. WE grow smarter. No the other way.

2 months ago, she tooook one BLOOODY week to do one company (last yr i did 5 companiesssssssss in ONE week). So after taking ONE WHOLE WEEK, she DID NOT FINISH her work. And on her LAST day of work (she STILL HADNT finish), she suddenly looooked soooo much in pain and complained tt she s been seeing a gynae lately. So, what can a magnanimous snr like me do except to let her go c her gynae? Although she probably just had too much sex the night before.

And so she left. And sent me back ALL THE OUTSTANDING WORK NOT DONE.

so it s not juz pea in her brains. i think she is juz PLAIN stupid and with a super bad attitude.

This week, she suddenly had DIARRHOEA during the beginning of the week and was very apologetic cos she knew of the tight deadline but mentioned tt this was beyond her control.. i mean..what else can i say right?

Then I pointed out her mistake in one of the companies. She managed to rectify it. But now, when i was JUST reviewing the same thing she did for another company. i realised that she MADE THE SAME STUPID mistake. Who s gg to kio the sai now? Me lor...

Why can she learn? I knew NOT to make tt mistake when i was in YEAR ONE. HELLLLLOOO????!!! Ni shi ZHU ma?

and today...last day of her work at this company. She took the trouble to wake up at 430AM in the morning to tell me tt her Grandma had "A verrry TERRIBLE heart attack". and she actually bothered to open her lappy to send me back ALL THE WRK not done. TERRIBLE heart attack huh. i think she is jus plain lazy n stupid n just doesn want to wrk. F***

Now i have 1 milllllion things to do. my sai and her sai. and i am TERRIBLY PISSED.

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