Friday, December 27, 2013

::FAMILY:: Christmas Dinner

There's nothing more I treasure than family time, so once in a while we have the family over for a meal at our place. Christmas dinner this time round was a 5 (+2)-courser mix of east and west ;p

Readily available from our freezer - junk food to hold off hunger pangs

Extra mashed potato from shepherd's pie

Spicy tuna wontan

Kong ba bao in Korean sauce

The Sherpherd's Pie

Salted egg yolk French beans
Scallops with shitake and spinach in cream sauce
I must say my dad was pretty impressed with the spread he asked where I picked up my culinary skills from?! It's not from motherhood, dad, it's a natural talent not displayed when I was staying with you and the kitchen belonged to mummy ;p

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