Saturday, September 07, 2013

::BABY MILESTONES:: Tamper tantrums

We didnt know what we signed up for when we went into a Joint Venture.
Each month, a surprise or surprises unfold themselves in front of us in the form of this little human being, which make us laugh and cry all at the same time. Oh! The wonders of parenting!  

Thankfully there's google on hand to equip ourselves with the latest information on what to expect during each month's developmental milestones! And hey! It is actually not so bad!!! Not so bad when you understand what you have just experienced, how long you are gonna experience it and that your baby's behavior falls under the the normal category according to general statistics!!

This month, we got the TEMPER TANTRUM!

Or maybe it was our little drama king at work -_-"
Nonetheless, we did get some form of ugly screaming, wailing, flailing, stiffening and kicking.
When that happened, we tried ignoring him and sitting farrrrrr farrrr away from all the drama. Ended up getting a baby who ended his drama..............and who then crawled over to our legs and begin his drama! lol! I didnt know to laugh or to cry! That's papa, sitting calmly in the background of all that drama, and mummy taking snapshots instead of pacifying him. I even got the act on face time to show the gramps! That's how we chose to deal with it - IGNORE. We want him to learn that throwing a tantrum doesnt get him anything!

 Here's what a parenting site has to say! 

Eleventh Month Baby Milestones: Communication
Eleven-month-olds realize that they’re unique people. They have a strong sense of their likes and dislikes, and they’ve learned to use their emotions to get what they want -- like throwing a temper tantrum when you try to take away a favorite toy. Your baby may already have discovered the word “no.” If so, you’ll probably be hearing it a lot.
Communication begins to take on a more mature rhythm at 11 months. Babies at this age can engage in a regular back-and-forth conversation. When you ask a question, you’ll get a response, although you probably won’t understand most of that response. When you name something -- like the family dog -- your baby can point at it. You’ll also probably notice that your baby has a longer attention span and can focus on you or a game for more than a few seconds at a time.
Source from:

That's exactly what we experienced during the 11th month! :)

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