Monday, May 21, 2012

::PREGNANCY:: Updates and Keeping Active!

Ever since I started on the whole pregnancy thingy, my body almost went into hibernating mode with the only form of exercise being walking strolling the dog (2x each day on weekends) and playing the human fetch game with him. 

I was feeling fatigued and lazy most days and no matter how much information about the benefits of exercising throughout the whole pregnancy there is out there, especially that on ensuring a smoother (and hence lesser pain) delivery, I just couldn't get my butt off the couch most days to do that much needed brisk walk. You can imagine how tired and lazy I felt.

And all credits to our son, mummy has every right to be lazy. ;p HEH. I'm drained from all that incubation work and every day I just tell myself that my body worked really hard to build another part of his growing body. Sometimes I tell Daddy N things like, "I am exhausted....I just built his little fingers today...." and that is usually accompanied by taichi-ing some tasks/chores that I didn't feel like doing at home. ;p It was really such a tiring job, I sometimes find myself taking a post-lunch siesta in the office and even my colleagues started guessing about my pregnancy in the first trimester. 

2nd trimester isn't all that glorious either. 
I got the worst morning sickness ever!
Just when I thought all was going to be ok and life was going to get better (that's what the internet says: for the lucky ones, CONGRATS on hitting your 2nd tri! You will find yourself less fatigued and morning sickness gone!), I realised I wasnt one of the lucky ones the internet was talking about. :(

It started with major puking in the 12th week - the week I hit my 2nd tri. Major FML. I had tripsss planned in this tri because I thought everything was gonna be great and I was going to enjoy all the foreign cuisines since I was supposed to be WITHOUT morning sickness now. Luckily little boy was all cooperative with the puking business. I got to enjoy Sydney and Hong Kong cuisines without any disturbance BUT came right back to SG to find myself puking again. I guess he also thinks that the grass is greener on the other side :)

Needless to say, the fatigue continues, as with the morning sickness. 
I only started to pile on the pounds in my 19th week of pregnancy! And for the whole of the 19 weeks, I was actually worried if I was giving little fella enough nutrients...Now that Mummy is growing 200gm a day, I guess I am doing the job fine. 

But I still feel tired and lazy and the lethargy was really getting to me. 
So we decided to kick start some kind of a health regime once more.
My first swim in Hong Kong at week 18. 

Swim cum Aqua gym at week 19 and 20.
oh! and my new-found love on mackers menu is no longer The Big Breakfast! I swear pregnancy is really a weird thing because I have never ordered hotcakes for as long as I could remember!
And so to our journey of keeping active for the next half of this race!
I sure hope it ll take some pain off the delivery process. For now, it sure is helping to keep the creeping backache at bay ;) and the best exercise choice for the legs that are growing varicose veins! \O.O/ 

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