Tuesday, December 20, 2011

His Gifts

The Rainbow and The Sunshine
God gave us A Big Gift on our wedding day. There was a huge rainbow right outside the window of our suite while I was doing my bridal makeup :)

The myth says that if it rains when the bride steps out of her house, then she is stingy. As unwilling as we are to partake in any form of beliefs based on ungrounded myths and traditions, I am thankful the rain did hold up till we reached the hotel and ended just before the dinner. Positive reinforcement to ungrounded myths is always willingly accepted, heh! ;p And so, I live to pass on this myth to the next generation.

The Snow
The japs didnt promise us snow as they werent expecting any during this period. But we saw snowflakes falling down from the skies when we reach Karuizawa. Boy, it was lovely!

Mannny pictures from The Wedding and The Honeymoon but will have to wait till the laundrys are cleared, the house packed, gifts given and Murphy settled >.<" We have only done 2 loads of laundry and have 2 more to go! Misery is lengthened because we had to pack for The Summer and The Winter and have a mixture of colored/black/white and cotton/linen/chiffon/wool bundle within the laundry basket = cannot mix together and wash!

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