Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Food, friends and insects

(5 June 2010: with new challengers, SS & YN)
Flaming HOT after taste! Shiok!
I still prefer the way it is done in Jerry's (than Sunset's).
There were talks about the Buckaroo's which we had looooong time ago! I actually forgotten about that particular date! *the importance of a diary*
We free rided on their venue research *heh* Cos even though they decided to get hitch later than us, they decided to have an earlier wedding than us. 1.1.11. GREAT. No clash now :) They can be each other's brothers :p And hence I am already double booked on that day.. :S

Earlier before, we did a catchup with the girlies. Rejoiced over TWO birthdays and TWO engagements!!
Really a major catchup session, I wished I had more time.

(7 June 2010: With Karen, Martin & Dylan)
N wanted to share these prime cuts with people he loves :) The catchup dinner has been postponed from April to May to June! Cos it wasnt easy for ALL to be in Singapore at the same time. They almost went ahead without me while I was in Ho Chih Min. But their daughter(s) very sweetly said she wanted Shwu jiejie to go *swoons* though they didnt manage to turn up due to camp commitments >.<
Still. such sweet gestures. I feel LOVED.. :)

We did it the Korean way. Han Sang. No need salt and pepper to taste, it was just good on its own! And I found out I'm not the only one who hates beefy smelly cuts ;p They even served cinnamon tea!!! I tried to search for it in vain during Korea. Was told it has to be brewed aka no 3-in-1 :(:(
Luckily the traditional Korean restaurants in Singapore sell them! *major loves*

(6 June 2010: Hort Park)

See what the man is up to..
He got sooooo interested in a piece of leaf...
Great eyesight. keen eye for crawlies. That's the man for u! :D
He actually spotted a pretty worm on the leaf!! :):) I was intrigued by its beauty too... So we stayed there for 30minutes?? in order to get a good shot. Too bad twas too windy, the leaves were swaying and we got no proper one.. :(

This is MY best..not sure about his DSLR.
More sightings within the park..



Spotted these worms in pairs (one mounted on top of the other) crawling around!! I excitedly told the man to come over get some sexshots *hoho*

A gecko camouflaged within the leaves :) Spotted it cos the leaves rustled while it was trying to catch a butterfly. we didnt stay long enough to watch it prey successfully cos weather was tooo damn hot.

This week's back to kicking some asses! Women only get off days once a month! BOO! But still better than the men, who gets NONE. Time for bed! And be ready to kickass tomorrow!

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