Monday, January 31, 2005


fine sunday...started off greeeeat...if u consider waking up early @ 720am to be greaaaaat..had a date w partner to go for morning jog...(NOTE: this is usually accompanied with frenzied gluttony sometimes we thrive on minimal living)

anyway...the sun was BARELY up when i was alarmed by my alarm~!! i was thinking to myself...why did i agree to go for a morn jog?? when in fact we cud hav done it in the evening...its SUNDAY u know...haha SUNDAY doesn mean wake up late... it means tt the track in the evening is our terms...mei hua-ded...hahahaha
so, feeling lazy, i sms partner: 'eh, u think the sky looks norm or isit gg to rain??' --- she nv catch my MO QI..haizzz... ended jumping up..ran 6 rounds and ate 8 rounds (if u cud quantify the food in terms of roundss)...hahaha

read an interesting article titled the title above...share some interesting facts w u all ba... =)

Common stress symptoms:
1. depression
2. indigestion or diarrhea
3. insomnia or excessive sleeping
4. irritability and anxiety
5. loss of concentration
6. loss/increase of appetite
7. migraines
8. nightmares
9. overpowering urge to cry
10. pain in the neck (HAHAHA~!! non-literally, some ppl are ALWAYS a pain the NECK wat!! so they are under constant STRESS...ooooohhh wat an ass hahaha) and back

so to ppl who posess any of the above take care.. but they may nt be all accurate la..

a personal note to DIZ: note point 3!!! hahaha maybe if we could attribute our EXCESSIVE pigginezzz to stress, we could escape from being labelled a PIG hahaha...we are STRESSED!!!
nwae decided not to mention WHO irritated me earlier this morning..bcos if i do...ppl ll think i am passionless..juz teeeny weeeeny slightly irritable juz nw laa...i am actually v affectionate one...hahaha

current mood: benevolence
==stress out==

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