Wednesday, December 20, 2006

see this???!! Posted by Picasa
THIS!! Posted by Picasa
anddddd THIS!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa
foodplay :) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 09, 2006

home-y saturday

guess wat i did with the oven i bot last weekend??

that the virgin-use btw.. :) bcos the sisters decided to put back the ready-made cookie mix to the shelf. we wanted to do up everything frm scratch! ;)

haven been free since n tts y the virgin-use is only 1 week after its purchase..

:) :) :) :)

n so.... guess wat i did with it??

i MADE APPLE PIE!!!!!! :) :) :)
n its yummy!!! :) :) :) :) :)
at least daddy says so! HA!
tt was a virgin attempt too! ;)

pictures below...
the chocolate lookin thing on the right is the ice cream (in case u r wondering wat the brownish mess is)

~~TAHDARRRRRR~~ :) :) home-made apple pie~! Posted by Picasa
Closer look of the apple pie... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 03, 2006

bot the oven today!!! :) :)

w pinky's help...

n realised that my max NETS limit is 200 whopping dollarsss!!!!
so i couldn get my oven transaction thru!!!!! WTH!!!

turned out that the max limit was set when i FIRST applied the ATM card when i was 12. din know that i was supposed to request for a change in limit.. cos i thot it would automatically change to S$2,000 once i hit >18!!

no wonder...

been home sweet home the whole day 'cept for gg out to buy the dear oven :) :)

my NEW HOBBY????

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